State and National COVID-19 Distribution Plans

In the U.S. government’s efforts to develop, distribute, and administer COVID-19 vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released executive summaries from COVID-19 vaccine playbooks.

The executive summaries provide an overview of how each jurisdiction is thinking about and planning for the different phases of COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration – from limited to abundant supplies – all while also dealing with the pandemic’s effects. 

Many, but not all, of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program activities described may overlap with routine activities; routine immunization and pandemic influenza program activities can serve as a foundation for COVID-19 planning. 

Strengths from the playbooks include: 

  • Organization around the phased allocation assumptions and determining populations likely to be selected for initial vaccine administration.
  • Detailing systems to train and equip providers around adverse event reporting, and 
  • Focusing on second dose reminder systems and providing in-depth operational detail for reminders via text, email, and automated calls – a critical step to ensure people who are vaccinated get the full protection a vaccine provides.

The next update to the states’ interim COVID-19 vaccination plan will include changes informed by the CDC’s new playbook and other sources of feedback. The DOH will post the revised version of the plan on their COVID-19 Vaccine page once complete.